iPad vs iPad 2

iPad 2Is the original iPad’s successor worthy of the crown?

Only less than a year ago, Apple brought to the technology world, its latest, most shocking innovation to date…a 9.7-inch touchscreen tablet.

The sceptics plainly described it as a larger version of its cousin, the iPhone (minus the phone capabilities of the latter). Others felt that the device was only useful for a slightly enhanced gaming experience of “Angry Birds” and the like.

The techno-savvy found the lack of Adobe Flash appalling, alongside the fact that only apps could be uploaded onto the device, ruling out all types of basic software installation, not to mention the absence of any form of photographic apparatus.

Now, 60,000 apps later, and after dozens of attempts from competitors at taking a bite out of Apple’s dominant tablet market share, the technology giant is launching its new beast onto the mass market. But one question remains; is it really a beast to watch out for?

Many expected it to be the avatar of its genre: a tablet that runs as fast as a laptop and weighs less than a newspaper.

Yet iPad 2 somehow seems to lack the novelty we had all hoped for, and simply feels like yet another product that was made and released early to please the masses, but doesn’t actually do anything new.

The Jawdropping differences…or not.

Just a few millimeters smaller than its predecessor on all angles, the iPad 2 can be praised for being almost 100g lighter (partly thanks to a new battery design) and is even thinner than the iPhone 4.

The ergonomics of the new device are also noteworthy. Its smart cover which can be used to protect the screen and turn the iPad 2 on and off, can also be folded several times to form a useful typing stand. The tablet itself has a curved edge which makes it easier to grasp.

ipad vs ipad 2

Its new dual core A5 processor (along with a rumored 512MB ram) allows for a smoother, faster browsing experience and the so called “checker effect” you may get when scrolling down a web page at great speed on the iPad has been eradicated from iPad 2.

The iOS has also seen a slight upgrade, although the original iPad is scheduled to see its iOS updated in the same way. On the other hand there’s no improved connectivity in terms of HDMI port or USB, no SD card slot and ultimately no changes that were truly out of the box.

All in all, the iPad 2 is more advanced, but now that the details have been made public, is it really safe to say that the iPad 2 is technically so far ahead of where its predecessor was a year ago? That’s really up to you to decide.

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  1. Pingback: iPad Thoughts « Barbara Z. Johnson

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